25-Nov-23 10:31:25 INFO Start cloth cover detector module version 2.0! 25-Nov-23 10:31:25 INFO sourceFile(scandata) : '/item/memoirsofbenjami00vancrich_scandata.xml' -> targetFile(log-file) '/item/memoirsofbenjami00vancrich_cloth_detection.log' 25-Nov-23 10:31:25 INFO Using /item/memoirsofbenjami00vancrich_cloth_detection.log to find imagestack 25-Nov-23 10:31:25 INFO Successfully found imagestack path - /item/memoirsofbenjami00vancrich_jp2.zip 25-Nov-23 10:31:40 INFO Image measurements data: [41.57807692307692, 31.21192131540785, 3.517035981278078, 0.023721714183252647, 6.412733409362325, 0.21078569817246445, 0.03860365764813918, 0.8357456426011456, 0.01955777560898668, 34.79906505653811] 25-Nov-23 10:31:46 INFO Analysis of cover page with leafNum 1: 'is cloth' - False, 'edge level' - 0.7397947426231676 25-Nov-23 10:31:49 INFO Image measurements data: [77.07389937106919, 25.473076387510833, 7.525016683417951, 0.07482295597484277, 10.733110555841158, 0.11031454834831872, 0.021623835557267428, 0.7976820573335129, 0.02592276120215011, 37.98119164107843] 25-Nov-23 10:31:49 INFO Analysis of cover page with leafNum 86: 'is cloth' - False, 'edge level' - 0.5092103615477538 25-Nov-23 10:31:49 INFO Index number of page 1 is 1 25-Nov-23 10:31:49 INFO Index number of page 86 is 86 25-Nov-23 10:31:49 INFO Save new scandata with tag 'clothCover' in /item/memoirsofbenjami00vancrich_scandata.xml 25-Nov-23 10:31:49 INFO Successful finish cloth-cover detector!